• What is ELEC?

    Established in 1973‚ ELEC monitors the campaign financing of all elections in the State. Whether the election is for Governor or Mayor‚ member of the Legislature or a City Council‚ candidates and campaign organizations are required to file with the Commission contribution and expenditure reports.

    View Historical Information link

  • Hours of Operation

    9:00 am-5:00 pm‚ Monday - Friday

    Public Room:
    9:15 am-4:45 pm‚ Monday - Friday


    To report web site problems and web site feedback via email to webmaster.

  • Address

    As of December 4‚ 2017‚ the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission will be located at 25 South Stockton Street‚ 5th Floor‚ Trenton‚ NJ 08608.

    By U.S. Mail

    New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission‚ P.O. Box 185‚ Trenton‚ New Jersey 08625-0185.

    By Commercial Delivery Service

    New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission‚ 25 South Stockton Street‚ 5th Floor‚ Trenton‚ NJ 08608.

  • By Phone

    General information and Help Desk at: (609) 292–8700


"Search for Contributions by Contributor"

This will allow you to search for contributions made by specific individuals or entities. A “Contributor” can be a Person (an “Individual”) or an entity such as a Corporation, Union, etc., (a “Non-Individual”). “Contributor” can also be a Candidate Committee, or PAC (a “Non-Individual”).

All of the search fields are optional. However, due to the size of the searchable database IT IS RECOMMENDED YOU MAKE AT LEAST ONE SELECTION. If you are not sure of a search field or don't want to narrow your search by that field leave the selection at “ALL.”

Enter the INDIVIDUAL name information in the appropriate boxes; first name and middle initial are optional. To search for a NON-INDIVIDUAL entity and you know the correct spelling enter it here. Be sure to click the radio button, also. You may enter the name or use part of the name.

ADDRESS information is optional. You may also search just by the address.

Use FROM DATE and TO DATE to search for contributions received on a specific date or within a date range.

Use FROM AMOUNT and TO AMOUNT to search for contributions of specific dollar amounts.

Use OCCUPATION to search for contributions by a certain occupation. To assure the accuracy of your search, we suggest that you first review all the categories and search as many as apply.

To sort the result set records, click on the COLUMN HEADER.